So this so this month It seemed appropriate to do a blog about Valentine's and looking your best! February is one of those months where for some people it's great, full of love and presents whilst for others it's a pretty lonely month spent avoiding the seasonal isle in supermarkets whilst at the same time possibly amusing yourself at the last minute husband/boyfriend on the evening of the 13th panic buying the worst looking flowers and card from whichever petrol station still has some in stock!
Personally and possibly controversially I think valentine’s day is just a chance for shops to up the price of flowers and chocolate, because if two people are together then romance is hopefully a 365 days a year thing and a card once a year doesn’t really prove anything. However thankfully February also happens to be the month I was born and luckily only two days after valentines day so my postman thinks I’m inundated with valentines cards regardless!
Now whether you’re in a relationship or not, valentines day I think encourages most of us to look our best, either to impress our other halves or in an effort to attract that special someone into your life!
Gone are the days of skincare routines, hair removal and fake tan being something that only women do, the modern man has evolved! The so-called expectations people put on themselves these days can be extreme and I don’t necessarily agree with how social media and magazines portray that everybody should have a 6 pack and 10-12% body fat but there is definitely something to be said for trying to be the best version of you!
Looking in the mirror and being happy with the person staring back at you is in my opinion one of the most important things you need in life and yet something that so few people have, for years I was one of those people not liking what saw in the mirror but these days I have to be honest and say I’m happy with the person looking back at me. I don’t say this in an arrogant way and it has been a long journey of personal development, time in the gym and getting through some very tough times which has got me here.
One of the biggest impacts in transforming how I felt about myself is my daily routine which without a doubt is what helps me the most, so here are my 5 simple top tips to help you look and feel your best!!
1. Get enough sleep,ideally at least 7 hours and if possible, try to wake up at the same time each day, doing this has been proven to have many health and productivity benefits
2. Drink plenty of water! The fact is we are approximately 60% water so its fairly obvious that we really should be drinking enough on a daily basis, the benefits of being hydrated are extensive from improving your skin, cognitive function, mood, sleep quality and ensuring your organs are working properly
3. Look after your body by staying active and doing regular exercise! The benefits of exercise weather that’s a walk in the park, a weights session or a yoga class is incredible. It will not only make you healthier, live longer and look better it will do wonders for your mental health!
4. Have a healthy balanced diet, now I’m not saying that needs to be a diet with all the fun taken out, it’s more a case of trying to improve what you eat gradually, if you have 3 takeaways a week, try cutting it down to just 2 and introduce more fruit and vegetables into your diet. What you put into your body will ultimately have a huge affect how you look and feel
5. Look after your skin, it doesn’t matter if it’s summer or winter the skin on your face is always on show so it’s makes sense to look after it! When people ask me what is the best thing they can do for their skin my number one tip is always sun protection, the sun ages skin more than anything else and aside from the obvious health risk protecting your skin from harmful UV rays will keep you looking great as the years go by.
Now I know that with the ever-increasing cost of living many people are starting to cut back on the treatments and products they use to enable themselves to look and feel their best, so to help you during these difficult times the Headstrong Clinic is delighted to be able to offer 20% off all laser treatments booked throughout March!
So, if you’re looking to transform the look of your skin with a Carbon Laser Facial which I describe to my clients as having all the benefits of microdermabrasion, micro needling and chemical peels in a one-hour treatment with virtually no downtime that can be done in your lunch hour leaving your skin looking truly incredible.
Maybe you’re looking to remove unwanted hair so your ready for summer, which can be done quickly efficiently and virtually pain free using the Headstrong Clinics state of the art Laser machine.
Or maybe you have a tattoo that you’ve been wanting to get rid of for a while.
To book your free consultation and find out how the Headstrong Clinic can help you, please click the link below
Whatever your requirements the Headstrong Clinic is dedicated to helping all it’s clients look and feel their best, because we know that looking and feeling good can positively impact so many areas of your life, whether it’s the confidence to approach someone in a bar, ask for that promotion at work feeling good about yourself can often give you the confidence you need which is so important, taking care of yourself can hugely impact not only your mental health but also your life expectancy and most of the five self-care points I’ve mentioned above costs nothing!!
So, you really do have nothing to lose but so much to gain!