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i want to change the way men look at skincare and be instrumental in
changing the stigma surrounding men's mental health!
About - a struggle with mental health
Hi, I'm Russ , the founder of Headstrong Clinic, I hope my story helps to explaining the reasons why I am so passionate about
my business and how it all came about.
For 17 years I worked as a full-time firefighter in South Wales, travelling from Gloucester,
this involved a daily commute of a hundred miles. At the time I was also running a construction company which meant I was working roughly eighty hours a week. I became increasingly stressed and burnt out which inevitably took its toll on both my physical and mental health not to mention the effect it was having on my family life, it became obvious I needed to make some huge life changes and began looking for a career change which I stumbled upon by accident.
Having struggled with the loss of my hair in my late twenties and knowing first hand the effect this had on my confidence, well being and self esteem I felt like I had no option other than shaving my head, this was in a time when the only alternative solution was an expensive and ultimately unsuccessful hair transplant.
What happened next i can only describe as life changing!
I discovered a treatment called SMP (Scalp Micro Pigmentation)
I tracked down the Scalp Technician of the Year and booked an SMP treatment, I was blown away with the transformation not only to my appearance but also my confidence.
I began to realise this was something I felt passionately about.
I wanted to be able to help others feel as good as I did. I wasted no time enrolling on a training course to become an SMP Technician.
The thought of being able to change lives on a daily basis by providing the best solution to a problem I knew only to well, understanding just how much hair loss can affect someone and knowing I can help gave me real purpose.
"I personally struggled with the loss of my hair in my late 20’s
I understood how difficult it was to deal with"
Having spent most of my working life on fire stations and building sites a move to the beauty industry may seem an odd choice but my SMP experience was life changing for me. I felt that in some way I had finally found my calling, I had a passion unlike I had ever felt before, from the start of the training to the end I loved every second.
And so the Headstrong Clinic was born!
This however was only the start of my journey, after seeing many clients and having the pleasure of spending several hours with each one, I realised that hair loss was only one part of what affects how men felt about themselves.
I became increasingly aware that men in particular did not take care of their skin, rarely using moisturiser or sun protection and in most cases not using a specific face wash. In addition to this men would complain about hair growth in areas they didn't want it growing, tattoos they regretted and skin issues they didn't know how to solve. This led me to invest in the very latest laser technology that would enable me to provide a solution to all of my clients problems as well as developing my own range of Skin Care Products.
At Headstrong Clinic we are passionate about delivering life changing results and educating our clients on the best way to look after their skin.
The Headstrong Clinic is more than just a business providing Scalp Micropigmentation and Laser Treatments and because of my experience with mental health issues I feel I am in a position to be able to give a little something back.
Ingrained in our core values is a desire to support charities who deal with men's mental health issues.
We regularly run charity events to support
Andy's Man Club & Look Good Feel Better
I am also the skincare advisor for Look Good Feel Better who offer advice to men who are either suffering with, or recovering from cancer.
Follow my Instagram page @head_strongclinic for regular tips and advice on skincare, how to stay fit, how to improve your mental health, how to be a single dad, ideas of what to do with your kids and some great meal suggestions.
Let’s Chat
Get in touch so we can see how we can help you.